Established in year 2003, VIDHYA VARIDHEE BAL VINAY MANDIR H.S SCHOOL, DASRATH BAG INDORE is located in Urban area of Madhya Pradesh state/ut of India. In Ward No.5 area of Indore Urban block of Indore district. Area pincode is 452001. School is providing High Secondary level education and is being managed by Private Unaided Organisation. Medium of instruction is English language and school is Co-educational.
Vidya Varidhee Bal Vinay Mandir
Dr. Dalal attending a program at Vidya Varidhee Bal Vinay Mandir
Dr. sanat Kumar Dalal is working as a a mentor in the institution named Vidhya Varidhee Bal Vinay Mandir since July 2009. He guides the teachers to understand the psychology of the students. He is very sensitive and concerned about the issues realted to the children and teachers. His support in the institution is incredible. Being a socialist and an active doctor Dr. Dalal remains busy all the time but Dr. pays his sincere attention for the betterment of the institution. The institution named Shri Vidhya Varidhee Bal Vinay Mandir also certified for his work and wishes him best of luck in all of walks of his life and requests to the PADMA SHREE AWARD committee to select the candidate for this prestigious award.